Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why so fancy?

The other night, after out BBQ, I was out for a walk with some people and on the way back to my apartment. I decided to buy pizza for my friends and I got a Large Cheese and a Small Chicken Alfredo, to which one of my roommates commented, "why'd you have to get fancy pizza?" While I can excuse her naivety, because she is still figuring out who she is, what her opinions are of the world and I know that this opinion is part of many views she has adopted from her current boyfriend, I must express how much comments like this piss me off.

I'd say about as much as "free range chickens and their big ugly-ass brown eggs." While the word "fancy" in the dictionary supposedly means that something is "top notch" and "not ordinary," it has become a negative word and used in a derogatory way by many. My immediate response at the time was, "How is this fancy? I wanted alfredo sauce instead of tomato, and chicken, it's just different." She didn't know what to say.

Much of today's youth believe that the key to life or at least the ideal state of being is to be antiestablishmentarian, i.e. "hate the man", condone only subpar quality in all aspects of life, and, most importantly, give the appearance that you "don't give a fuck." I am referring to kids who hate anything popular and only like obscure things until they become mainstream, call anyone with money a "sellout," and anyone who challenges their own coolness is dismissed as a poser. The world is upside down in their mind. But is it really so in their hearts?

While this self-contradictory idea of being individual and free-thinking because one fears being outcast by others who claim to be individual and free-thinking is an issue that needs to be addressed, it is too large a topic and i'll only touch on a small part of it at this point.

Do people realize that when they shop at "streetwear" boutiques because they want to appear more "underground" and have more "streetcred" because they hate "preppy kids" who wear polo shirts, that they are shopping at a place that sells t-shirts for $60+ and shoes for $100+? In their attempt to be seen as not part of the hive-minded sheep, they have plugged themselves into simply an opposing hive-mind. Are you really promoting everything you think you are when you buy Nikes put together by young asian children who are obviously paid next to nothing, painted on by some up-and-coming artist, for $120?

Back to the pizza. I got distracted because I'm so angry. The "friend" in question's boyfriend once announced a few months ago that he prefers regular old pizza, especially from local mom-and-pop places, and hates CPK especially when they put "weird shit" on their fancy pizza. Am I the only one who thinks this is ignorant? How can you judge one pizza to be better than the other solely based on the appearance of it's creator/chef? Isn't this some sort of reverse-prejudice based on a failed logic that since you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, you should instead judge the book conversely? If something looks like it sucks, it must be amazing.

What are these other toppings like BBQ chicken and broccoli besides just another topping? Why must unconventional toppings be treated with such racism because they are "new" and different? Most people are used to seeing cheese and pepperoni on pizza. The people I've encountered who have this negative attitude have the idea that others only pretend to enjoy strange pizza because the mainstream (i.e. rich/evil people) have told them it is good, not because they actually enjoy it. Have they ever thought that they themselves may be brainwashed to believe that the only way to eat pizza is the same way as everyone else? They'll only try things that are accepted as "cool." Upper Crust is expensive, stop enjoying it! $5 pizza from dominoes is the best!

The reason I prefer chicken alfredo pizza from most places is because their pizza sauce sucks. I also really like white pizza because I really like garlic and onions. I do enjoy pizza with tomato, oregano, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, and basil, which is one of the original ways pizza was made, when it comes to a pizza place that makes an effort to have good tasting sauce. I don't mind the super high prices and I admit, overpriced when you pay $18 for a single pizza, but I don't eat it often and we all have to make compromises and sacrifices in life as we choose the things we really want. If you are ordering food and not cooking it yourself, you've already made a decision not to maximize the efficiency of the dollar to weight ratio.

Why am I made to feel like a bad person because I prefer to eat something that tastes at least half-decent? Yes, I have taste buds and I'm not ashamed to admit to using them. How is it that people feel justified in making others feel bad for the individual, unique choices they make in different aspects of their lives, just because these instigators have no mind of their own?

If you are allowed to enjoy paying to watch a sport that you are incapable of playing, played by people who don't know you, don't give a fuck about you, AND make a ton of money so they can eat (surprise) "fancy" food, I believe I am allowed to eat a slice of "fancy" pizza and sprinkle as much fresh-grated parmesan and chili olive oil on it as I fucking please and enjoy it. You eat shitty food and hate on the man, so badass.

I am truly sorry I have functional taste buds.

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